For all available spinners, see https://jsfiddle.net/sindresorhus/2eLtsbey/embedded/result/
Spinners can be used with Progress and Status.
.Start("Thinking...", ctx => {
// Omitted
Implementing a spinner
To implement your own spinner, all you have to do is
inherit from the Spinner
base class.
In the example below, the spinner will alternate between
the characters A
, B
and C
every 100 ms.
public sealed class MySpinner : Spinner
// The interval for each frame
public override TimeSpan Interval => TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100);
// Whether or not the spinner contains unicode characters
public override bool IsUnicode => false;
// The individual frames of the spinner
public override IReadOnlyList<string> Frames =>
new List<string>
"A", "B", "C",