Async Extensions

The Async Spinner Extension provides convenient extension methods for running tasks with an inline spinner animations in the console.

The spinner animation is not thread safe, and using it together with other interactive components such as prompts, progress displays or other status displays is not supported.


The extension methods allow you to easily add spinner animations to any Task execution:

// Basic usage with void Task
await someTask.Spinner();

// With generic Task<T>
var result = await someTaskWithResult.Spinner(
    new Style(foreground: Color.Green));

// With custom console
await someTask.Spinner(
    style: Style.Plain,
    ansiConsole: customConsole);


The spinner extensions provide:

  • Support for both void Tasks and Tasks with return values
  • Customizable spinner animations using any Spectre.Console Spinner
  • Optional styling for the spinner animation
  • Ability to specify a custom IAnsiConsole instance


Here's a more complete example showing different ways to use the spinner extensions:

// Basic spinner with default settings
await Task.Delay(1000)

// Customized spinner with style
var result = await CalculateSomething()
        new Style(foreground: Color.Green));

// Using with a custom console
await ProcessData()
        new Spinner(new[] { "⠋", "⠙", "⠹", "⠸", "⠼", "⠴", "⠦", "⠧", "⠇", "⠏" }, 80),
        new Style(foreground: Color.Blue),
