Getting Started

Spectre.Console.Cli is a modern library for parsing command line arguments. While it's extremely opinionated in what it does, it tries to follow established industry conventions, and draws its inspiration from applications you use everyday.

How does it work?

A Spectre.Console.Cli app will be comprised of Commands and a matching Setting specification. The settings file will be the model for the command parameters. Upon execution, Spectre.Console.Cli will parse the args[] passed into your application and match them to the appropriate settings file giving you a strongly typed object to work with.

The following example demonstrates these concepts coming together.

var app = new CommandApp<FileSizeCommand>();
return app.Run(args);

internal sealed class FileSizeCommand : Command<FileSizeCommand.Settings>
    public sealed class Settings : CommandSettings
        [Description("Path to search. Defaults to current directory.")]
        [CommandArgument(0, "[searchPath]")]
        public string? SearchPath { get; init; }

        public string? SearchPattern { get; init; }

        public bool IncludeHidden { get; init; }

    public override int Execute([NotNull] CommandContext context, [NotNull] Settings settings)
        var searchOptions = new EnumerationOptions
            AttributesToSkip = settings.IncludeHidden
                ? FileAttributes.Hidden | FileAttributes.System
                : FileAttributes.System

        var searchPattern = settings.SearchPattern ?? "*.*";
        var searchPath = settings.SearchPath ?? Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
        var files = new DirectoryInfo(searchPath)
            .GetFiles(searchPattern, searchOptions);

        var totalFileSize = files
            .Sum(fileInfo => fileInfo.Length);

        AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"Total file size for [green]{searchPattern}[/] files in [green]{searchPath}[/]: [blue]{totalFileSize:N0}[/] bytes");

        return 0;

In our Main() method, an instance of Spectre.Console.Cli's CommandApp is instantiated specifying FileSizeCommand will be the app's default and only command. FileSizeCommand is defined as inheriting from Spectre.Console.Cli's generic Command class specifying the settings for the command are FileSizeCommand.Settings. The settings are defined using a nested class, but they can exist anywhere in the project as long as they inherit from CommandSettings.

This command will have three parameters.

  • The main parameter for the command will be the path. This is to be passed in as the first argument without needing to specify any command line flags. To configure that setting, use the CommandArgument attribute. The [searchPath] parameter of CommandArgument drives not only how the built in help display will render the help text, but the square brackets tells Spectre.Console.Cli that this argument is optional through convention.
  • The second will be specified as a parameter option. The CommandOption attribute is used to specify this action along with the option command line flag. In the case of SearchPattern both -p and --pattern are valid.
  • The third will also be a parameter option. Here DefaultValue is used to indicate the default value will be true. For boolean parameters these will be interpreted as flags which means the user can just specify --hidden rather than -hidden true.

When args is passed into the CommandApp's run method, Spectre.Console.Cli will parse those arguments and populate an instance of your settings. Upon success, it will then pass those settings into an instance of the specified command's Execute method.

With this in place, the following commands will all work

app.exe c:\windows
app.exe c:\windows --pattern *.dll
app.exe c:\windows --hidden --pattern *.dll

Much more is possible. You can have multiple commands per application, settings can be customized and extended and the default behavior of the CommandApp can be extended and customized.

  • See CommandApp for customizing how Spectre.Console.Cli builds the settings.
  • See Create Commands for information about different command types and their configurations.
  • See Specifying Settings for information about defining the settings.