Multi Selection
The MultiSelectionPrompt
can be used when you want the user to select
one or many items from a provided list.
The use of prompts inside status or progress displays is not supported.
// Ask for the user's favorite fruits
var fruits = AnsiConsole.Prompt(
new MultiSelectionPrompt<string>()
.Title("What are your [green]favorite fruits[/]?")
.NotRequired() // Not required to have a favorite fruit
.MoreChoicesText("[grey](Move up and down to reveal more fruits)[/]")
"[grey](Press [blue]<space>[/] to toggle a fruit, " +
"[green]<enter>[/] to accept)[/]")
.AddChoices(new[] {
"Apple", "Apricot", "Avocado",
"Banana", "Blackcurrant", "Blueberry",
"Cherry", "Cloudberry", "Coconut",
// Write the selected fruits to the terminal
foreach (string fruit in fruits)