ICommandAppSettings Interface

Represents a command line application settings.
public interface ICommandAppSettings


abstract string ApplicationName
Gets or sets the application name.
abstract string ApplicationVersion
Gets or sets the application version (use it to override auto-detected value).
abstract CaseSensitivity CaseSensitivity
Gets or sets case sensitivity.
abstract IAnsiConsole Console
Gets or sets the IAnsiConsole.
abstract bool ConvertFlagsToRemainingArguments
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not flags found on the command line that would normally result in a CommandParseException being thrown during parsing with the message "Flags cannot be assigned a value." should instead be added to the remaining arguments collection.
abstract CultureInfo Culture
Gets or sets the culture.
abstract Func<Exception, ITypeResolver, int> ExceptionHandler
Gets or sets a handler for Exceptions.

This handler will not be called, if PropagateExceptions is set to true.

The ITypeResolver argument will only be not-null, when the exception occurs during execution of a command. I.e. only when the resolver is available.
abstract HelpProviderStyle HelpProviderStyles
Gets or sets the styles to used when rendering the help text.
abstract ICommandInterceptor Interceptor
Gets or sets the ICommandInterceptor used to intercept settings before it's being sent to the command.
abstract int MaximumIndirectExamples
Gets or sets a value indicating how many examples from direct children to show in the help text.
abstract bool PropagateExceptions
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not exceptions should be propagated.

Setting this to true will disable default Exception handling and any ExceptionHandler, if set.

abstract ITypeRegistrarFrontend Registrar
Gets the type registrar.
abstract bool ShowOptionDefaultValues
Gets or sets a value indicating whether any default values for command options are shown in the help text.
abstract bool StrictParsing
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not parsing is strict.
abstract bool TrimTrailingPeriod
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a trailing period of a description is trimmed in the help text.
abstract bool ValidateExamples
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not examples should be validated.