JsonText Class
A renderable piece of JSON text.
public sealed class JsonText : JustInTimeRenderable, IRenderable
- Namespace
- Spectre
.Console .Json - Interfaces
- Base Types
(string) -
Initializes a new instance of the
- Style BooleanStyle
- Gets or sets the style used for boolean literals.
- Style BracesStyle
- Gets or sets the style used for braces.
- Style BracketsStyle
- Gets or sets the style used for brackets.
- Style ColonStyle
- Gets or sets the style used for colons.
- Style CommaStyle
- Gets or sets the style used for commas.
- Style MemberStyle
- Gets or sets the style used for member names.
- Style NullStyle
Gets or sets the style used for
literals. - Style NumberStyle
- Gets or sets the style used for number literals.
- IJsonParser Parser
- Gets or sets the JSON parser.
- Style StringStyle
- Gets or sets the style used for string literals.
protected override IRenderable Build
() - Builds the inner renderable.
protected virtual bool HasDirtyChildren
() - Checks if there are any children that has changed. If so, the underlying renderable needs rebuilding.
protected void MarkAsDirty
() - Marks this instance as dirty.
protected void MarkAsDirty
(Action) - Marks this instance as dirty.
protected override Measurement Measure
(RenderOptions, int) - Measures the renderable object.
protected override IEnumerable<Segment> Render
(RenderOptions, int) - Renders the object.
Extension Methods
JsonText BooleanColor
(Color) - Sets the color used for boolean literals.
JsonText BooleanStyle
(Style) - Sets the style used for boolean literals.
JsonText BracesColor
(Color) - Sets the color used for braces.
JsonText BracesStyle
(Style) - Sets the style used for braces.
JsonText BracketColor
(Color) - Sets the color used for brackets.
JsonText BracketStyle
(Style) - Sets the style used for brackets.
JsonText ColonColor
(Color) - Sets the color used for colons.
JsonText ColonStyle
(Style) - Sets the style used for colons.
JsonText CommaColor
(Color) - Sets the color used for commas.
JsonText CommaStyle
(Style) - Sets the style used for commas.
IEnumerable<Segment> GetSegments
(IAnsiConsole) - Gets the segments for a renderable using the specified console.
JsonText MemberColor
(Color) - Sets the color used for member names.
JsonText MemberStyle
(Style) - Sets the style used for member names.
JsonText NullColor
(Color) -
Sets the color used for
literals. -
JsonText NullStyle
(Style) -
Sets the style used for
literals. -
JsonText NumberColor
(Color) - Sets the color used for number literals.
JsonText NumberStyle
(Style) - Sets the style used for number literals.
JsonText StringColor
(Color) - Sets the color used for string literals.
JsonText StringStyle
(Style) - Sets the style used for string literals.