AnsiConsole Class
A console capable of writing ANSI escape sequences.
public static class AnsiConsole
- Namespace
- Spectre
- static Color Background
- Gets or sets the background color.
- static IAnsiConsole Console
Gets or sets the underlying
. - static IAnsiConsoleCursor Cursor
Gets the
. - static Decoration Decoration
- Gets or sets the text decoration.
- static Color Foreground
- Gets or sets the foreground color.
- static Profile Profile
- Gets the console profile.
static void AlternateScreen
(Action) - Switches to an alternate screen buffer if the terminal supports it.
static T Ask
<T> (string, T) - Displays a prompt to the user with a given default.
static T Ask
<T> (string) - Displays a prompt to the user.
static Task<T> AskAsync
<T> (string, CancellationToken) - Displays a prompt to the user.
static Task<T> AskAsync
<T> (string, T, CancellationToken) - Displays a prompt to the user with a given default.
static void Clear
() - Clears the console.
static bool Confirm
(string, bool) - Displays a prompt with two choices, yes or no.
static Task<bool> ConfirmAsync
(string, bool, CancellationToken) - Displays a prompt with two choices, yes or no.
static IAnsiConsole Create
( Ansi Console Settings) -
Creates a new
instance from the provided settings. -
static string ExportCustom
( I Ansi Console Encoder) - Exports all recorded console output using a custom encoder.
static string ExportHtml
() - Exports all recorded console output as HTML text.
static string ExportText
() - Exports all recorded console output as text.
static LiveDisplay Live
(IRenderable) -
Creates a new
instance. -
static void Markup
(IFormatProvider, string, object[]) - Writes the specified markup to the console.
static void Markup
(string, object[]) - Writes the specified markup to the console.
static void Markup
(string) - Writes the specified markup to the console.
static void MarkupInterpolated
(FormattableString) -
Writes the specified markup to the console.
All interpolation holes which contain a string are automatically escaped so you must not call
. -
static void MarkupInterpolated
(IFormatProvider, FormattableString) -
Writes the specified markup to the console.
All interpolation holes which contain a string are automatically escaped so you must not call
. -
static void MarkupLine
(IFormatProvider, string, object[]) - Writes the specified markup, followed by the current line terminator, to the console.
static void MarkupLine
(string, object[]) - Writes the specified markup, followed by the current line terminator, to the console.
static void MarkupLine
(string) - Writes the specified markup, followed by the current line terminator, to the console.
static void Markup
Line Interpolated (FormattableString) -
Writes the specified markup, followed by the current line terminator, to the console.
All interpolation holes which contain a string are automatically escaped so you must not call
. -
static void Markup
Line Interpolated (IFormatProvider, FormattableString) -
Writes the specified markup, followed by the current line terminator, to the console.
All interpolation holes which contain a string are automatically escaped so you must not call
. -
static Progress Progress
() -
Creates a new
instance. -
static T Prompt
<T> (IPrompt <T> ) - Displays a prompt to the user.
static Task<T> PromptAsync
<T> (IPrompt <T> , CancellationToken) - Displays a prompt to the user.
static void Record
() - Starts recording the console output.
static void Render
(IRenderable) - Renders the specified object to the console.
static void Reset
() - Resets colors and text decorations.
static void ResetColors
() - Resets the current applied foreground and background colors.
static void ResetDecoration
() - Resets the current applied text decorations.
static void Write
(bool) - Writes the text representation of the specified boolean value to the console.
static void Write
(char) - Writes the specified Unicode character to the console.
static void Write
(char[]) - Writes the specified array of Unicode characters to the console.
static void Write
(decimal) - Writes the text representation of the specified decimal value, to the console.
static void Write
(double) - Writes the text representation of the specified double-precision floating-point value to the console.
static void Write
(float) - Writes the text representation of the specified single-precision floating-point value to the console.
static void Write
(IFormatProvider, bool) - Writes the text representation of the specified boolean value to the console.
static void Write
(IFormatProvider, char) - Writes the specified Unicode character to the console.
static void Write
(IFormatProvider, char[]) - Writes the specified array of Unicode characters to the console.
static void Write
(IFormatProvider, decimal) - Writes the text representation of the specified decimal value, to the console.
static void Write
(IFormatProvider, double) - Writes the text representation of the specified double-precision floating-point value to the console.
static void Write
(IFormatProvider, float) - Writes the text representation of the specified single-precision floating-point value to the console.
static void Write
(IFormatProvider, int) - Writes the text representation of the specified 32-bit signed integer value to the console.
static void Write
(IFormatProvider, long) - Writes the text representation of the specified 64-bit signed integer value to the console.
static void Write
(IFormatProvider, string, object[]) - Writes the text representation of the specified array of objects, to the console using the specified format information.
static void Write
(IFormatProvider, uint) - Writes the text representation of the specified 32-bit unsigned integer value to the console.
static void Write
(IFormatProvider, ulong) - Writes the text representation of the specified 64-bit unsigned integer value to the console.
static void Write
(int) - Writes the text representation of the specified 32-bit signed integer value to the console.
static void Write
(IRenderable) -
Renders the specified
to the console. -
static void Write
(long) - Writes the text representation of the specified 64-bit signed integer value to the console.
static void Write
(string, object[]) - Writes the text representation of the specified array of objects, to the console using the specified format information.
static void Write
(string) - Writes the specified string value to the console.
static void Write
(uint) - Writes the text representation of the specified 32-bit unsigned integer value to the console.
static void Write
(ulong) - Writes the text representation of the specified 64-bit unsigned integer value to the console.
static void WriteException
(Exception, ExceptionFormats) - Writes an exception to the console.
static void WriteException
(Exception, ExceptionSettings) - Writes an exception to the console.
static void WriteLine
() - Writes an empty line to the console.
static void WriteLine
(bool) - Writes the text representation of the specified boolean value, followed by the current line terminator, to the console.
static void WriteLine
(char) - Writes the specified Unicode character, followed by the current line terminator, value to the console.
static void WriteLine
(char[]) - Writes the specified array of Unicode characters, followed by the current line terminator, value to the console.
static void WriteLine
(decimal) - Writes the text representation of the specified decimal value, followed by the current line terminator, to the console.
static void WriteLine
(double) - Writes the text representation of the specified double-precision floating-point value, followed by the current line terminator, to the console.
static void WriteLine
(float) - Writes the text representation of the specified single-precision floating-point value, followed by the current line terminator, to the console.
static void WriteLine
(IFormatProvider, bool) - Writes the text representation of the specified boolean value, followed by the current line terminator, to the console.
static void WriteLine
(IFormatProvider, char) - Writes the specified Unicode character, followed by the current line terminator, value to the console.
static void WriteLine
(IFormatProvider, char[]) - Writes the specified array of Unicode characters, followed by the current line terminator, value to the console.
static void WriteLine
(IFormatProvider, decimal) - Writes the text representation of the specified decimal value, followed by the current line terminator, to the console.
static void WriteLine
(IFormatProvider, double) - Writes the text representation of the specified double-precision floating-point value, followed by the current line terminator, to the console.
static void WriteLine
(IFormatProvider, float) - Writes the text representation of the specified single-precision floating-point value, followed by the current line terminator, to the console.
static void WriteLine
(IFormatProvider, int) - Writes the text representation of the specified 32-bit signed integer value, followed by the current line terminator, to the console.
static void WriteLine
(IFormatProvider, long) - Writes the text representation of the specified 64-bit signed integer value, followed by the current line terminator, to the console.
static void WriteLine
(IFormatProvider, string, object[]) - Writes the text representation of the specified array of objects, followed by the current line terminator, to the console using the specified format information.
static void WriteLine
(IFormatProvider, uint) - Writes the text representation of the specified 32-bit unsigned integer value, followed by the current line terminator, to the console.
static void WriteLine
(IFormatProvider, ulong) - Writes the text representation of the specified 64-bit unsigned integer value, followed by the current line terminator, to the console.
static void WriteLine
(int) - Writes the text representation of the specified 32-bit signed integer value, followed by the current line terminator, to the console.
static void WriteLine
(long) - Writes the text representation of the specified 64-bit signed integer value, followed by the current line terminator, to the console.
static void WriteLine
(string, object[]) - Writes the text representation of the specified array of objects, followed by the current line terminator, to the console using the specified format information.
static void WriteLine
(string) - Writes the specified string value, followed by the current line terminator, to the console.
static void WriteLine
(uint) - Writes the text representation of the specified 32-bit unsigned integer value, followed by the current line terminator, to the console.
static void WriteLine
(ulong) - Writes the text representation of the specified 64-bit unsigned integer value, followed by the current line terminator, to the console.