BarChart Class

A renderable (horizontal) bar chart.
public sealed class BarChart : Renderable, IRenderable, IHasCulture
Base Types


Initializes a new instance of the BarChart class.


CultureInfo Culture
Gets or sets the culture that's used to format values.
List<IBarChartItem> Data
Gets the bar chart data.
string Label
Gets or sets the bar chart label.
Justify? LabelAlignment
Gets or sets the bar chart label alignment.
double? MaxValue
Gets or sets the fixed max value for a bar chart.
bool ShowValues
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not values should be shown next to each bar.
Func<double, CultureInfo, string> ValueFormatter
Gets or sets the function used to format the values of the bar chart.
int? Width
Gets or sets the width of the bar chart.


protected override Measurement Measure(RenderOptions, int)
Measures the renderable object.
protected override IEnumerable<Segment> Render(RenderOptions, int)
Renders the object.

Extension Methods

BarChart AddItem(string, double, Color?)
Adds an item to the bar chart.
BarChart AddItem<T>(T)
Adds an item to the bar chart.
BarChart AddItems<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Func<T, BarChartItem>)
Adds multiple items to the bar chart.
BarChart AddItems<T>(IEnumerable<T>)
Adds multiple items to the bar chart.
BarChart CenterLabel()
Centers the label.
T Culture<BarChart>(CultureInfo)
Sets the culture.
T Culture<BarChart>(int)
Sets the culture.
T Culture<BarChart>(string)
Sets the culture.
IEnumerable<Segment> GetSegments(IAnsiConsole)
Gets the segments for a renderable using the specified console.
BarChart HideValues()
Hides values next to each bar in the bar chart.
BarChart Label(string)
Sets the label of the bar chart.
BarChart LeftAlignLabel()
Aligns the label to the left.
BarChart RightAlignLabel()
Aligns the label to the right.
BarChart ShowValues(bool)
Sets whether or not values should be shown next to each bar.
BarChart ShowValues()
Shows values next to each bar in the bar chart.
BarChart UseValueFormatter(Func<double, CultureInfo, string>)
Sets the value formatter for the bar chart using culture info.
BarChart UseValueFormatter(Func<double, string>)
Sets the value formatter for the bar chart.
BarChart Width(int?)
Sets the width of the bar chart.
BarChart WithMaxValue(double)
Sets the max fixed value for the chart.