BreakdownChartExtensions Class

Contains extension methods for BreakdownChart.
public static class BreakdownChartExtensions


static BreakdownChart AddItem(BreakdownChart, string, double, Color)
Adds an item to the breakdown chart.
static BreakdownChart AddItem<T>(BreakdownChart, T)
Adds an item to the breakdown chart.
static BreakdownChart AddItems<T>(BreakdownChart, IEnumerable<T>, Func<T, IBreakdownChartItem>)
Adds multiple items to the breakdown chart.
static BreakdownChart AddItems<T>(BreakdownChart, IEnumerable<T>)
Adds multiple items to the breakdown chart.
static BreakdownChart Compact(BreakdownChart, bool)
Sets whether or not the chart and tags should be rendered in compact mode.
static BreakdownChart Compact(BreakdownChart)
Chart and tags is rendered in compact mode.
static BreakdownChart FullSize(BreakdownChart)
Chart and tags is rendered in full size mode.
static BreakdownChart HideTags(BreakdownChart)
Tags will be not be shown.
static BreakdownChart HideTagValues(BreakdownChart)
Tag values will be not be shown.
static BreakdownChart ShowPercentage(BreakdownChart)
Tags will be shown.
static BreakdownChart ShowTags(BreakdownChart, bool)
Sets whether or not tags will be shown.
static BreakdownChart ShowTags(BreakdownChart)
Tags will be shown.
static BreakdownChart ShowTagValues(BreakdownChart, bool)
Sets whether or not tag values will be shown.
static BreakdownChart ShowTagValues(BreakdownChart)
Tag values will be shown.
static BreakdownChart UseValueFormatter(BreakdownChart, Func<double, string>)
Tags will be shown.
static BreakdownChart Width(BreakdownChart, int?)
Sets the width of the breakdown chart.
static BreakdownChart WithValueColor(BreakdownChart, Color)
Sets the ValueColor.