BreakdownChartExtensions Class
Contains extension methods for
public static class BreakdownChartExtensions
- Namespace
- Spectre
static BreakdownChart AddItem
(BreakdownChart, string, double, Color) - Adds an item to the breakdown chart.
static BreakdownChart AddItem
<T> (BreakdownChart, T) - Adds an item to the breakdown chart.
static BreakdownChart AddItems
<T> (BreakdownChart, IEnumerable <T> , Func <T, I Breakdown Chart Item> ) - Adds multiple items to the breakdown chart.
static BreakdownChart AddItems
<T> (BreakdownChart, IEnumerable <T> ) - Adds multiple items to the breakdown chart.
static BreakdownChart Compact
(BreakdownChart, bool) - Sets whether or not the chart and tags should be rendered in compact mode.
static BreakdownChart Compact
(BreakdownChart) - Chart and tags is rendered in compact mode.
static BreakdownChart FullSize
(BreakdownChart) - Chart and tags is rendered in full size mode.
static BreakdownChart HideTags
(BreakdownChart) - Tags will be not be shown.
static BreakdownChart HideTagValues
(BreakdownChart) - Tag values will be not be shown.
static BreakdownChart ShowPercentage
(BreakdownChart) - Tags will be shown.
static BreakdownChart ShowTags
(BreakdownChart, bool) - Sets whether or not tags will be shown.
static BreakdownChart ShowTags
(BreakdownChart) - Tags will be shown.
static BreakdownChart ShowTagValues
(BreakdownChart, bool) - Sets whether or not tag values will be shown.
static BreakdownChart ShowTagValues
(BreakdownChart) - Tag values will be shown.
static BreakdownChart UseValueFormatter
(BreakdownChart, Func <double, CultureInfo, string> ) - Tags will be shown.
static BreakdownChart UseValueFormatter
(BreakdownChart, Func <double, string> ) - Tags will be shown.
static BreakdownChart Width
(BreakdownChart, int?) - Sets the width of the breakdown chart.
static BreakdownChart WithValueColor
(BreakdownChart, Color) -
Sets the