BarChartExtensions Class
Contains extension methods for
public static class BarChartExtensions
- Namespace
- Spectre
static BarChart AddItem
(BarChart, string, double, Color?) - Adds an item to the bar chart.
static BarChart AddItem
<T> (BarChart, T) - Adds an item to the bar chart.
static BarChart AddItems
<T> (BarChart, IEnumerable <T> , Func <T, BarChartItem> ) - Adds multiple items to the bar chart.
static BarChart AddItems
<T> (BarChart, IEnumerable <T> ) - Adds multiple items to the bar chart.
static BarChart CenterLabel
(BarChart) - Centers the label.
static BarChart HideValues
(BarChart) - Hides values next to each bar in the bar chart.
static BarChart Label
(BarChart, string) - Sets the label of the bar chart.
static BarChart LeftAlignLabel
(BarChart) - Aligns the label to the left.
static BarChart RightAlignLabel
(BarChart) - Aligns the label to the right.
static BarChart ShowValues
(BarChart, bool) - Sets whether or not values should be shown next to each bar.
static BarChart ShowValues
(BarChart) - Shows values next to each bar in the bar chart.
static BarChart UseValueFormatter
(BarChart, Func <double, CultureInfo, string> ) - Sets the value formatter for the bar chart using culture info.
static BarChart UseValueFormatter
(BarChart, Func <double, string> ) - Sets the value formatter for the bar chart.
static BarChart Width
(BarChart, int?) - Sets the width of the bar chart.
static BarChart WithMaxValue
(BarChart, double) - Sets the max fixed value for the chart.